
What is a hashtag: All you need to know | 2025 Hashtag Campaign

What is a Hashtag campaign?

The #Hashtag campaign is some kind of advertising or promoting or sometimes struggling or polling campaign done by the people who engaged with social media platforms, especially Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. This can create a social trend towards something.

There are two types of social media vogues. The first one is Social Media Trends and the other one is Social Media Campaigns. Here, Social Media Trends mean the most engaging and the most addictive current topics of the social media platforms.      

We are going to discuss one of the main subcategories of social media campaigns which means hashtag campaigns.


How to create a hashtag?

Typically hash symbol/pound symbol (#) is used before the phase which is to be converted into a hashtag. Several types of hashtag campaigns can happen. It might be a new arrival of a trending brand, (i.e. a new beverage product of a company) promoting a festival or event (i.e. #tomorrowland) or a slogan of a political campaign.

When it has the pound symbol directly in front of a word or phrase, it essentially becomes hyperlinked to where people can click on that. If someone clicks on that, it brings up the search results including that hashtag.     

On Facebook, you can put the hashtags in the description. If you are using more hashtags, make sure to put a space between two separate hashtags. The created hashtags will be clickable.       

Do not put any spaces or punctuation marks within the hashtag.

·         Wrong-> #trending  12

·         Correct-> #trending12

You can have general hashtags that relate to people’s interests such as a kind of giveaway. #recipe #music #family #pets 

How do the hashtag campaigns work?

You have to create posts as much as you can under the relevant hashtag to make the campaign more valuable and visible. It’s not good to copy and paste someone else’s post to put the hashtag.  We recommend that you could use your posts under the relevant hashtag in the description that you want to make a trend it takes a high probability to make the campaign more valuable. Keep your mind on not to use banned or restricted hashtags since the posts under that are not visible to anyone. We are creating Facebook campaigns (Ads) commercially. In that case, we can reach our products, posts, or whatever something that we are promoting, to millions of audiences on Facebook.

Reach on Facebook means, the number of audience of someone’s or page’s post that will automatically suggest or be visible, even if they are not friends, or liked audience.

Also, we can categorize those audiences by the way we want to reach them. 

Why are people prompted to create hashtags? 

One of the most ordinary questions that people ask. The answer to that question is below.

What is the result of a good hashtag?

If you have nearly fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, or around one million posts that are related to a particular hashtag, it has a high priority to reach those posts automatically among heavy audiences as much as similarly paid campaigns. Hashtags can increase the organic reach of the posts. That is the result of having a best-trending hashtag. You don’t need to promote your content by paying.


Do hashtags make a trend?

Sometimes yes, when it becomes a hashtag campaign. The number of posts might be visible or suggested for the people who engaged Facebook as the audience. When the engaging audience becomes high, the reach will also be high.            

Commenting the Hashtag, Is it worth?

We recommend that the commenting is not make the trending hashtags but it will help to show people that there is a trend on there and running some sort of hashtag campaign.  

What are the benefits of using hashtags on posts?

1.       Priority from the search results - You can get high priority from the search results on Facebook by using a hashtag in the description before posting.

2.       Trending topics on Facebook - You can get a clear idea about what are the current trending topics on Facebook and how people engage with them. 

History of the Hashtag

This trend is originally started by Twitter. A hashtag is a form of metadata used to mark keywords or phrases related to a tweet. They categorize and group tweets that are about the same topic providing a way for related tweets to be linked together. If the keyword is hashtagged, it can be easily searched and linked with related tweets. 


How do they find your content using hashtags?

This is a very simple way to find content.

If you are interested in vehicles and you like to post resourceful interesting content to your network, then you might post vehicles and at the end of the post, you might say #vehicles or particular #vehiclename. This is the way that people might find your post if they are searching for vehicles or just searching for the vehicle hashtag on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or anywhere.


Why you be careful when using hashtags?

It is important to refrain from using hashtags that are not relevant to your content or may be inappropriate. Because using the wrong tags can hurt you. There are some banned or flagged hashtags that if you use them on your content you will be penalized. 


Follow these tips when using hashtags

Avoid using highly competitive hashtags. If it is super competitive, the chances of your rankings going down. But that is not to say that you shouldn’t use those tags overall.

Avoid using irrelevant hashtags. Always make sure to use hashtags that are relevant to your content. You can create tags based on the locations of your content, keywords, brands, or anything included in the content.


FAQ: How many hashtags per post on Instagram?

Instagram is almost powered by hashtags. We recommend using 30 hashtags per post. But never violate the relevancy of the content to reach 30. Further, Instagram recently changed the hashtag ranking system to prioritize recent content.



Hashtags are a useful method to categorize your content. They bring together individuals with similar interests and ideas who wish to share their experiences through social media. 

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How To Make Your CV First Attempt Acceptable? How To Write a CV For You ?

After reading this, you can understand how to make a CV or Resume as a beginner and what are the important things that you have to do and what are not when you send it.

Content order of a CV

 1.      Name

 2.      About (Optional)

·         Date of Birth (Optional)

·         Civil Status (Optional)

·         Nationality (Optional)

·         NIC (Optional)


       3.      Contact Details

·         Personal contact number

·         Personal address (Optional)

·         Email address

·         Professional LinkedIn Account link

·         If you are maintaining your own blog or website, link here.

       4.      Skills

       5.       Projects or Work list (If you have one, paste the GitHub account link)

·         Promote your work experience

       6.       Description of your goal

       7.       Education

·         School

·         Higher Education and Other educational details

       8.       Non-related Referees

       9.       Extra-curricular activities

·         Your volunteer experience

·         Societies that you engaged with

      10.   Conclusion

      11.   Sign (Optional)


How to make your CV first attempt acceptable?

04 Tips: Don’t do this when you making your CV

1.       Use relatives as referees

·         Do not use relatives as your referees.

·         Do not use friends and colleagues as your referees.

·         Do not use family members as your referees.


·         A person who is well-known and within the field.

·         A person who knows you well within the university or institute. Better if you were able to add your Lecturers or Professors.

·         Supervises from the companies that you have interned.


2.       Lying on CV/Resume

Actually don’t put lies on your CV or Resume. The reason somebody lies is to make them look better to the employer and they might hire them.

Sometimes if they hired you, they may be asked a skill that you put into your CV or resume after a month or year. Employers remember the skills that you put on your CV. But you don’t know that. Then it will be a reason to ignore you. When on the interview or after you are hired, sometimes they may ask the previous company that you worked for. It is not possible to answer that question since you have not worked with that company and you lied.

It is recommended to put actual things in your life.


3.       Leaving Gaps

It is possible to have gaps on your CV or Resume. But the reasons must be trustable. It might be your personal matter or you want to get some interval, your family matter, suffering from illness or you worked for another industry instead of your one. Those reasons will be acceptable. 

When you write your CV or Resume, Don’t put your reason for the gap in there. Put your experiences only.

Company A (2014 Jan – 2015 July)

Company B (2015 July – 2016 August)

Company C (2016 September – 2017 September)

Company D (2018 May – 2019 September)

Here you can see a month gap between Company B and Company C. The Gap is OK and acceptable. It might take a month or two months or sometimes even three months to find a new job. But it moves company C to Company D, there is a huge Gap between 08 months. There is an issue with that one. You need to provide valid reasons, if the employer asks you about the Gap. 


4.       Use inappropriate e-mail addresses

This is another point you have to keep in your mind. You should have your own professional email address. It might be a Gmail, Ymail, or whatever you want. The e-mail is professional if you can add your full name to the e-mail address before @ sign. But sometimes it might be taken by another person. So don’t worry. Either you can put your initials before the name ( or you can separate your full name with a full stop ( 

I recommend that you don’t put numbers or any unrelated words within the e-mail.  ( or (     


04 Tips: Do this when you making your CV or Resume

5.       Photo (Optional)

You have to use a professional photograph instead of having a photograph captured from a party. Most probably the size of the photograph is the same as the passport photo size. The photograph must be placed in the top left corner or top right corner of the first page of your CV.  

6.       Skills

Put your skills on a list. So the employer can clearly read it. If you are talented in some skill, you have to put it first on the list.

After you put your skills, then put your level, basic/intermediate/expert. Separate your skills and levels from the dash (-) symbol.  

7.       Phone Number

Always try to add a working telephone number and make sure to keep your phone with you. If you will not be able to answer the first call from the employer, it has a high probability to ignore you. They will not give a second chance to you.

The most important thing is, once they call you, if you can’t answer it, then try to call back them at least within an hour.    

8.       Template

If you mind using a CV template other than your own structure, no issues. There are hundreds of free and premium templates available on the internet. The most important thing is that you have to prepare it very clearly and attractively. However, it should be no more than two pages.  


02 Tips: When you are sending your CV


9.       From Email

Once you send your CV, you should include your Subject and small description in the body section as well. Then attach your CV to the e-mail. Make sure to rename your CV file with a proper name instead of having unrelated names.     

Proper names

·         Yourname_CV_Document.pdf

·         CV_yourname.pdf

·         Yourname_CV.pdf

Do not use these types of names

·         yourname.cvnew01.pdf


·         2sjucbhrui3sj.pdf


The most important thing is, don’t forward those e-mails to the companies. Sometimes it displays that you were forwarding this e-mail several times.  

10.   From LinkedIn

When you are sending your CV from LinkedIn, make sure to add

·         Subject (headline) – You should mention that you are applying for the vacancy.

·         Description - About what you are doing now and add some valuable skills that you have.

·         Attachment – Attach your CV document.

Do this, after sending your CV

You should always keep in touch with direct telephone calls, SMS, and emails.

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What is Affiliate Marketing? | How to become an Affiliate Marketer? | Everything you need to know | 2023

Simple Definition for Affiliate Marketing

When you promote a product (not owned by you), service, or whatever something from your own platforms, if someone is able to buy a product or service based on your recommendation, the product owner will pay a commission sale for you.

Example 1: If someone buys a product by clicking an affiliate link that you shared on your Facebook profile, then the product owner gives you a commission according to the item. Generally, the commission is from 30% to below of the product’s selling price.  

Example 2: One of your family members came to you and told you that he/she wanted to buy a brand new mobile phone. Then you prescribe a shop and she will buy her mobile phone from that shop and you will receive a commission for the sale based on your recommendation from the shop owner. This is simple affiliate marketing.

Is it free?

Absolutely Yes. All the affiliate marketing programs are totally free for the users. Free login and free account creation.  

What can you promote from Affiliate Marketing?

You can promote anything recommended by a company or website that offers the affiliate marketing program including clothes, books, furniture, kitchen appliances, electrical and electronic items some kind of services and courses, and so on through the affiliate marketing programs.

How do you promote them?

1.       Became an affiliate

2.       Get the Link

3.       Share the Link

4.       Make Money


How to become an Affiliate Marketer?

Generally, E-commerce websites offer affiliate marketing programs for the users. When you scroll down on a common e-commerce website, they put their affiliate marketing engagement link in the footer. Simply click on the link and first, you have to create the account. They will guide you from the beginning to the end while you are creating the account. After you create the account, they will send a verification e-mail with the confirmation approval details of your account. It will take a maximum of two or three business days for the confirmation. After the approval, you become a member of the affiliate marketing team of the particular company or website and you have permission to get the affiliate links and share them anywhere that you want.    


How to get the Affiliate Links?

After they approve your account, they will guide you on how to get the affiliate marketing link from the website. Instead, when you search for an item and you are on that particular item’s web page, there is an option to get the affiliate link from the dropdown menu in the top left corner (probably). All the related details will be noticed on the page.

In general, when you log in to your account, you can see your dashboard which indicates your account balance and your previous purchases on top of the home page. As the first time, all the indexes will be zero.

How to share the Affiliate Links?

First of all, you have to realize who actually needs that product or service and then you have to target that particular audience. You can recommend products or services from your own social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, and websites as well. If you created a website to promote those products, you need to have a better niche for your promotions on your website.

Niche – If someone writes articles about the targeted phase of things, it is called a niche article.

Better to write an article for those targeted audiences and then put the products list with matched promotion affiliate links. The other important thing is your niche should have some kind of traffic. Otherwise, it is much more difficult to rank on search engines.    

Why do we need to have a niche?

The answer is, to get traffic for the website.

As an example: You have selected your niche as household items. You wrote articles about kitchen appliances. As the next step, you have to search for kitchen appliances from the website on which you engaged as an affiliate marketer, get affiliate marketing links, and put them below the matched articles.

Then, people search for kitchen appliances on search engines, and your website will appear. If they purchase the products through your affiliate links from your website, your commission will be added to your account.       

 To learn how to create a website for you, click here 


How to Share the Links on Social Media?

You can even share the affiliate links from your social media platforms. Simply create Facebook posts, articles, or Instagram posts from your own and publish them on your profiles including the affiliate links. If you have more followers and more friends on your social media platforms, your income will be high.

Reviewing videos of such products on YouTube is also a trending marketing method for your business. Put the videos on YouTube and make sure to insert the affiliate links in the description. People who engage with your videos will go through the affiliate links in the description and they make money for you. Apart from that, you can make revenue from YouTube sponsorship programs as well, how to make money on YouTube Click Here.    

Difference between Paid Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Organic traffic aka free traffic is one of the best ways of getting traffic for your website or social media platforms. It is possible to have paid traffic methods too. But you need to realize that the whole paid traffic cost should be lower than your income from affiliate marketing. The selection is totally up to you. 


How do you Make Money from Affiliate Marketing?

When you make more purchases through your links, you will be getting more income. But you have to have people engaged with your website continuously.     


What are the websites that offer affiliate marketing programs?

Trending e-commerce websites offer affiliate marketing programs indeed. Also the web-hosting companies as well. Some companies are mentioned below.







Are the affiliate marketing programs legal or illegal?

The process of being an affiliate member of any platform, the procedure of sharing the affiliate link on social media or websites, and the process of clicking the affiliate link by the users in any platform, all are totally legal commands.


What is the Process of Transferring Money in Affiliate Marketing?

Once you have created the account in any e-commerce platform, they ask you for your bank details. You need to provide the name of the bank, bank account number, and other related details properly. They will transfer money from your affiliate marketing account to your bank account without issues with the chance of withdrawing anytime. You can change your bank account details at any time you want.    

We think, by following this article, you should get a better knowledge of how you become an affiliate marketer, how to promote those products and services, and how you get paid from those companies.

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What is a Block Chain ? Simple Definition of Block Chain | Everything you need to know | 2024

Before we start to get to know about Block Chain, we have to get a better background understanding about what it is and how it is related to your day to day life indeed.  

How do we decide whether something fake or real? For example a Mobile device, a Laptop, or a License card. The mobile phone has an in-build serial number which was created by the manufacturer. Someone can check whether the serial number is fake or real by the manufacturer’s website. Simply it is a record kept by the manufacturer. Same as the Laptop. A license card is issued by an authority and they have the card number or whatever that is related to the card as a record. Therefore anyone who wants to check the verification of the license card can easily be done.        

These all records are centralized. Then it is not very difficult to change or modify those records or information by a single person since the changes will not be recorded again and can’t be visible to the other persons who engaged with the network other than the single person. But it is possible to change. To avoid those problems, Block Chain was invented.


What is a Block-Chain?

Simple Definition of block chain - Block Chain is a chain of blocks that contains some sort of information. This was originally invented in 1991.  

Block Chain is a solution for centralized networks since this keeps records of everybody who engaged with the network. 

If some data has been recorded in a block chain in a database, the data becomes very difficult to change. It is networked and it is visible to all the related persons in the network. Each block generally consists of three particular indexes and all the blocks contain interconnected links and all the blocks are interconnected.

1.       Data Amount

2.       Hash

3.       Previous Hash

All these indexes are interconnected and cannot be changed separately.  

What is the Data Amount in a Block Chain?

The Data Amount contained in a block depends on a model of the block-chain. It can be a,

·         Data of a Patient: Name, Age, Disease, etc.

·         Data of a Transaction: Amount, to whom, from whom, etc.

What is the Hash in a Block Chain?

The other important feature is Hash. It is always unique to each block in the chain. It can be a,

·         Unique ID

·         Face ID or

·         Fingerprint Print etc.

Hash is basically a digital ID or digital signature of some kind of particular data. As an example: There is an image stored in your data collection on your computer. Then you can create a digital signature or digital ID for the picture. It is Hash.  

Changing something inside the block will be recognized by the Hash and immediately the Hash will be changed. On the other hand, this is very useful for you when you want to detect the changes in the block when it has happened.

As an instance; if the transaction details were changed in a certain transaction block, the unique ID of the block will be automatically changed. Then the crowd who interact with the block chain can immediately identify the changes inside the block.  

What is the Previous Hash in a Block Chain?

Previous Hash aka Hash of the previous block, this element is caused to make chain among the blocks and make more secure.

When it comes to the very first block of the chain, the previous hash element will be four zeros indeed.


Block 1

·         Data – Patient 1 : Age, Name

·         Hash – p0923

·         Previous Hash – 0000


Block 2

·         Data – Patient 2 : Age, Name

·         Hash – p0924

·         Previous Hash – p0923


Block 3

·         Data – Patient 3 : Age, Name

·         Hash – p0925

·         Previous Hash – p0924

You can’t re-write, re-order, or delete those blocks in the chain, the only thing you can do is create a new block to the chain.

Block chain uses the peer-to-peer network for connectivity. Everyone can join. The persons who joined the network before can see the full set of clearly visible pictures of the block chain in detail.    

What happened when creating a new Block?

When someone creates a new block, all the participants can visible it. It is checked by all the participants who engaged with the network to verify that it is compatible with the existing block-chain. If it behaves without any problem, then it will be added to the block chain.    

All the computers that are connected to the block chain network, are typically known as Nodes.


How Block-Chain interact with Crypto Currency?

Simply the cryptocurrency operates in certain platforms or networks which enables users to exchange money in peer-to-peer methods with anyone who engages with those platforms or networks clearly. All the variants of the currencies are recorded in the blocks and all the blocks are interconnected together. Therefore the users can visible all the previous activities and the changes in the currencies since all are in the block chain.       

The most important thing is the reliability of the data. Even nobody in the network can change the values of the indexes in the blocks since it is decentralized.


What are the techniques that related to the Block Chain?

1.       Network Peer to peer network. Those types of networks need to share and build communications with each other inside the block chain.

2.       CryptographyEncryption is the cryptography method that is used in these networks. This is a secure communication method used inside the block chain network. This authenticates the authenticity of the data and information provided by the people who engaged with the network. Even this helps engagers to secure their data and records from bad insiders within the network itself.

3.       Consensus RulesWhen someone adds a new record or a block to the existing chain, that person needs to agree with the rules before adding the block.


How does Bitcoin relate with Block Chain?

This was the first form of coin aka money which kept records in a block chain throughout the transactions instead of having records in an authority. All the records are kept by everyone since it is a decentralized method and there is no way of changing the transaction records by someone from the network.   


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Top 05 Tips To Make Money Online? | What are the Isolated Commercial Incomes in IT field?

How to make money online?

1.       Online Shop

2.       Online Services

3.       Mobile Application Program

4.       Websites

5.       YouTube


Make Money from an Online Store

This is one of the most common business methods in the world. Below are the requirements for the business.

·         Website with user friendly 

·         Website with low downtime

·         Trustable payment gateway

·         Inventory resources

When you own a user friendly website with low downtime hosting partner, you can easily set up your business as you want. The other important thing is your website’s attractiveness to its users. Once the users are compatible with your online store on their first attempt, it has a high probability of browsing again to your site in the future for their business requirements. When you are choosing your hosting partner, you should have to select the company which gives you less downtime for your website. Once the moment when the traffic is high for your website, it might cause loading errors and can’t be reached to the website. It is a reason for a high Bounce Rate for your website.        

Hint: what is Bounce Rate? – The rate of returning users on the website. When the user’s browsing duration for the website is high, it has a low Bounce Rate. Also, the user’s browsing duration for the website is low, and it has a high bounce rate. Better, if you have your bounce rate between 27.3% - 75%. It is best to have a low bounce rate for a website.

The next step is, you have to add a trustable payment gateway for your website for commercial transactions. There are hundreds of companies in the world that provide payment transaction services online. The scenario is not much complex, Payment gateway owning companies provide all the related details for the installation procedure.        

High availability of inventory – Always have to maintain high availability of your inventory for the items in the online store. Even if you don’t have stock of your own, it is better to inform your providers to maintain their stocks when needed. Because the ‘Out of Stock’ label is not familiar to genuine users.

After doing your website well, it must have a lot of fan base around your website. Then you have an opportunity to show sponsored advertisements of the companies, within your website. It is also a considerable income source for you.



Make Money from an Online Services

If you are willing to provide a service or solutions for real world problems and get some income, this one is the best type of service platform to achieve it.

·         Counselling Service

·         Find a Job

·         Man Power Service

Here, you have to build your website as appropriate. You can hire professionals; Ex: counseling professors and instructors to get support for your work. When someone needs assistance, they can contact you by paying your hired professionals, counseling professors, and instructors through the website. This is one of the most common ways of appointing someone in today’s world.   

On the other hand, you can start a service for the applicants who are looking for a job. If someone wants to find a job, they can easily send their CVs to your website and you must be responsible for assigning their CVs to the relevant job titles offered by companies. It creates two income sources for you. You can assign a payment from the applicants or even from the companies they hired. These types of services create a fan base around the website. Also, you have an opportunity to create sponsored advertisements on your website and make money.    

Modernization always going forward in the world. People require modern solutions for their problems in their day to day activities. It is difficult to find people who doing their professions as Masons, Carpenters, Plumbers, Ironworkers, and Painters in the city for even one day of work. If you can develop a system or a website to find them easily, there is an opportunity for you. You can earn in two ways, from the professionals, and from the work owners.        


Make Money from a Mobile Application Program

Mobile application development is another source of income for IT professionals indeed. If you have an idea or a particular content, fitted for a mobile application, then develop it and start making money.

·         Developed mobile App

·         Sponsorship

·         Make Money

·         Mobile Application Development

If you have an idea of doing a Mobile Application Program, you have to have better creative content in your mind. Do not copy the contents or even existing applications of other creators. Then you can convert the idea into a Mobile Application by hiring a mobile application developer or you can create it on your own.

It will take some period to develop the application but the results will be uncountable. You can upload it to the Play Store or whatever platform you want. If you upload the application to the Google Play Store, you have an opportunity to apply for the sponsorship program offered by Google.

Lots of companies and organizations waiting for you to accompany their marketing campaigns and sponsorship programs with your application. It creates money for you in every download and every visit to the application done by the people.        

Mobile Application Development, is another sort of income for IT Professionals. If you have a valuable creative designing talent in your mind, let’s add worth to it and make money.

·         Freelance Developer

·         Hired Professional

You can be a freelance mobile application developer on any freelancing platform that you prefer. Bid for the projects and make money, your skills also became worthy. Or you can bid for the relevant projects that you feel, from any company or a business.


Make Money from Websites

There are varieties of content that you can promote from your website. All the contents and tools should be valuable and related to the subject.

·         Online Courses

·         Online Tools

·         Articles

Online platforms are doing a huge satisfaction for the people in the world. In this situation, if you can develop your website with valuable online content such as courses, guidance, supportive programs and more, it will create high availability and more traffic for the website among the crowd, especially the people who are learning. People can pay for weekly or monthly and get the courses, videos, and other learning materials from the website.

If you have skills to develop online tools, calculators, converters, searching tools, and more, you can get more traffic for your website. Before you earn money, you have to join with sponsorship program offered by Google or other related organizations. If your website meets the requirements, your website is ready to show ads. Ads revenue will be your income. Apart from that, you have an option for sponsored posts and affiliate marketing programs included in the website and make money.  

Writing articles is one of the best website content for you. Good valuable articles in the fields of Education, Health, History, General Knowledge, Mathematics, IT, and more, are worthy. A website that consists of 15-20 articles at the beginning, is compatible with the sponsorships.     


Make Money from YouTube

This is one of the best and most famous entertainment platforms for any professionals in the world. It celebrates a high level of creativity and high-quality videos.

·         YouTube Channel

·         Good Content

·         Fulfil the Requirements

·         Make Money

First, you have to create a channel (free) on YouTube and then you have to fulfill the minimum requirements on YouTube if there are no violations or copyright issues, you can monetize your channel to make money. Then you have the right to put multiple advertisements on your video while someone is watching it. Your video hits more and more views, and your revenue becomes valuable according to your monetization categories.

You can create videos on satisfactory, educational, short films, IT, mechanical and more. Even you can upload sponsored videos or promote something from your channel.  

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