
Just 05 Steps: How to start your own website in wordpress? Beginner Guide

How to start your own website in wordpress? 100% free guide

In this tutorial, you can learn the basic wordpress tips before you going to start a website.

How to get a Domain Name for you? Click Here

What is WordPress?

It is basically a software that is used to create and post blogs or websites to publish on the internet. It is also called a Content Management System or CMS. It was created in 2003. It has grown to be the most well-known website publishing application worldwide since its launch in 2003. It powers 30% of websites on the internet.

WordPress is an open-source software and it is free for the users.

With WordPress, you don’t need to know how to code at all. Everything is done through drag and drop. There are more than 11,000 distinct themes available, which are essentially template layouts that define the appearance and feel of your website. Also, it gives more than 50,000 plugins to help optimize the functionality of your website. All of the text may be altered including the fonts and the sizes used, buttons can be made, and even you can add images and videos and much more.

Building a WordPress website is all online. You can build websites online from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

Instead of online, installing WordPress and a data server to your local computer, you can start building websites locally on your computer. But make sure to have an internet connection to download plugins and themes. In that case, you have to export the website to an online server when you finish it.

You may notice that there are two parties of wordpress, wordpress.com and wordpress.org. 

What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?


Even you can build your website free with their web hosting. But,

1.       A Website could be deleted at any time if WordPress feels that you have violated its terms and conditions for any reason.

2.       You can’t use ads to make money from your website. (No monetization)

3.       You can’t upload plugins that help you to optimize the functionality of your website.

4.       You can’t upload customizable themes.

5.       You do not own your domain name. It might be yourdomainname.wordpress.com.


You can host your website in any hosting company and use wordpress.org to build it.

1.       You have access to thousands of plugins.

2.       You can monetize your website with ads.

3.       You can use your unique domain name.

4.       You have permission to completely customize your website.

Step Number 1

How do you log in to your WordPress dashboard?

You already have your domain name now, if not  CLICK HERE to know how to register a domain name/website name for you and how to get a website host.

In your web browser, type your domain name in the address bar. After typing your domain name, then type /wp-admin.

Ex: www.yourdomainname.com/wp-admin

Then you will get a login window like below.

Type the Username or Email Address that you created before when you installed WordPress into your hosting panel. 


Then type -> Password.

Then Click -> Log In

When you complete your login process, you will be able to see the WordPress Dashboard like below.


Step Number 2

How to install a theme for your website?

On your left menu, beginning from ‘Dashboard’ there is an item called ‘Appearance’. Move your cursor to Appearance and then Appearance’s sub menu will appear.

Then click on Themes.

You can see the default themes on your window.

You have two options,

1.       Select a default theme or

2.       You can add a new theme to your website.

When you click on the ‘Add New Theme’ button, you will see new themes compatible with your website.   

When you move your cursor into a theme, it will appear the ‘Activate’ and ‘Live Preview’ buttons.

You can see a live preview of the selected theme or simply you can activate the theme by clicking on the ‘Activate’ button.

When you have done the process properly, a Green ‘Installed’ label will appear.  

Then you can customize the theme that you activated.



Step Number 3

How you can create a Page on WordPress?

On your left menu, beginning from ‘Dashboard’ there is an item called ‘Pages’.

Move your cursor to the Pages and then Page’s sub menu will appear.

Then click on -> Add New

You can see the default Page builder window.

Now you can add content for the page.

Then click on -> Publish


If you can add the Elementor Plugin to your website, all the customization processes will be easy.   

How to add the Elementor Plugin to your website? Elementor Full Guide CLICK HERE 

Simply go to the Plugins on your left menu.

Then Click -> Add New

Type -> ‘Elementor’ on the Search Plugins… Text Area On your right side.

Then Click on -> Install Now

Then Click on-> Activate



Step Number 04

How you can create a Post on WordPress?

On your left menu, beginning from Dashboard there is an item called Posts. 

Move your cursor to the Posts and then Post’s sub menu will appear.

Then click on -> Add New

You can create and publish posts similar to Pages.



Step Number 05

How to add Users/Admins to your website?

Move to the Users on the left side of your WordPress menu.

Then click -> Users

Click -> Add New

Then provide the required

1.       Username

2.       Email

3.       First Name

4.       Last Name

5.       Website (Optional)

6.       Password

7.       Select the role – Subscriber or Administrator …

Then Click -> Add New User

After Adding a User to the website, the verification e-mail will be sent to the provided e-mail address.

Then verify the process.

A new user can log in to the admin panel of the website at any time by providing the username (usually the email address) and the password provided, when you create the new user. 

As same as Step Number 1.


------------------------------------------------------ The End -------------------------------------------------------


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