
What is a hashtag: All you need to know | 2025 Hashtag Campaign

What is a Hashtag campaign?

The #Hashtag campaign is some kind of advertising or promoting or sometimes struggling or polling campaign done by the people who engaged with social media platforms, especially Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. This can create a social trend towards something.

There are two types of social media vogues. The first one is Social Media Trends and the other one is Social Media Campaigns. Here, Social Media Trends mean the most engaging and the most addictive current topics of the social media platforms.      

We are going to discuss one of the main subcategories of social media campaigns which means hashtag campaigns.


How to create a hashtag?

Typically hash symbol/pound symbol (#) is used before the phase which is to be converted into a hashtag. Several types of hashtag campaigns can happen. It might be a new arrival of a trending brand, (i.e. a new beverage product of a company) promoting a festival or event (i.e. #tomorrowland) or a slogan of a political campaign.

When it has the pound symbol directly in front of a word or phrase, it essentially becomes hyperlinked to where people can click on that. If someone clicks on that, it brings up the search results including that hashtag.     

On Facebook, you can put the hashtags in the description. If you are using more hashtags, make sure to put a space between two separate hashtags. The created hashtags will be clickable.       

Do not put any spaces or punctuation marks within the hashtag.

·         Wrong-> #trending  12

·         Correct-> #trending12

You can have general hashtags that relate to people’s interests such as a kind of giveaway. #recipe #music #family #pets 

How do the hashtag campaigns work?

You have to create posts as much as you can under the relevant hashtag to make the campaign more valuable and visible. It’s not good to copy and paste someone else’s post to put the hashtag.  We recommend that you could use your posts under the relevant hashtag in the description that you want to make a trend it takes a high probability to make the campaign more valuable. Keep your mind on not to use banned or restricted hashtags since the posts under that are not visible to anyone. We are creating Facebook campaigns (Ads) commercially. In that case, we can reach our products, posts, or whatever something that we are promoting, to millions of audiences on Facebook.

Reach on Facebook means, the number of audience of someone’s or page’s post that will automatically suggest or be visible, even if they are not friends, or liked audience.

Also, we can categorize those audiences by the way we want to reach them. 

Why are people prompted to create hashtags? 

One of the most ordinary questions that people ask. The answer to that question is below.

What is the result of a good hashtag?

If you have nearly fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, or around one million posts that are related to a particular hashtag, it has a high priority to reach those posts automatically among heavy audiences as much as similarly paid campaigns. Hashtags can increase the organic reach of the posts. That is the result of having a best-trending hashtag. You don’t need to promote your content by paying.


Do hashtags make a trend?

Sometimes yes, when it becomes a hashtag campaign. The number of posts might be visible or suggested for the people who engaged Facebook as the audience. When the engaging audience becomes high, the reach will also be high.            

Commenting the Hashtag, Is it worth?

We recommend that the commenting is not make the trending hashtags but it will help to show people that there is a trend on there and running some sort of hashtag campaign.  

What are the benefits of using hashtags on posts?

1.       Priority from the search results - You can get high priority from the search results on Facebook by using a hashtag in the description before posting.

2.       Trending topics on Facebook - You can get a clear idea about what are the current trending topics on Facebook and how people engage with them. 

History of the Hashtag

This trend is originally started by Twitter. A hashtag is a form of metadata used to mark keywords or phrases related to a tweet. They categorize and group tweets that are about the same topic providing a way for related tweets to be linked together. If the keyword is hashtagged, it can be easily searched and linked with related tweets. 


How do they find your content using hashtags?

This is a very simple way to find content.

If you are interested in vehicles and you like to post resourceful interesting content to your network, then you might post vehicles and at the end of the post, you might say #vehicles or particular #vehiclename. This is the way that people might find your post if they are searching for vehicles or just searching for the vehicle hashtag on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or anywhere.


Why you be careful when using hashtags?

It is important to refrain from using hashtags that are not relevant to your content or may be inappropriate. Because using the wrong tags can hurt you. There are some banned or flagged hashtags that if you use them on your content you will be penalized. 


Follow these tips when using hashtags

Avoid using highly competitive hashtags. If it is super competitive, the chances of your rankings going down. But that is not to say that you shouldn’t use those tags overall.

Avoid using irrelevant hashtags. Always make sure to use hashtags that are relevant to your content. You can create tags based on the locations of your content, keywords, brands, or anything included in the content.


FAQ: How many hashtags per post on Instagram?

Instagram is almost powered by hashtags. We recommend using 30 hashtags per post. But never violate the relevancy of the content to reach 30. Further, Instagram recently changed the hashtag ranking system to prioritize recent content.



Hashtags are a useful method to categorize your content. They bring together individuals with similar interests and ideas who wish to share their experiences through social media. 

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