
How to make your CV first attempt acceptable? | How to write a CV for you ?

How to make your CV first attempt acceptable?

After reading this, you can understand how to make a CV or Resume as a beginner and what are the important things that you have to do and what are not when you send it.

Content order of a CV

 1.      Name

 2.      About (Optional)

·         Date of Birth (Optional)

·         Civil Status (Optional)

·         Nationality (Optional)

·         NIC (Optional)


       3.      Contact Details

·         Personal contact number

·         Personal address (Optional)

·         Email address

·         Professional LinkedIn Account link

·         If you are maintaining your own blog or website, link here.

       4.      Skills

       5.       Projects or Work list (If you have one, paste the GitHub account link)

·         Promote your work experience

       6.       Description of your goal

       7.       Education

·         School

·         Higher Education and Other educational details

       8.       Non-related Referees

       9.       Extra-curricular activities

·         Your volunteer experience

·         Societies that you engaged with

      10.   Conclusion

      11.   Sign (Optional)


How to make your CV first attempt acceptable?

04 Tips: Don’t do this when you making your CV!

1.       Use relatives as referees

·         Do not use relatives as your referees.

·         Do not use friends and colleagues as your referees.

·         Do not use family members as your referees.


·         A person who is well-known and within the field.

·         A person who knows you well within the university or institute. Better if you were able to add your Lecturers or Professors.

·         Supervises from the companies that you have interned.


2.       Lying on CV/Resume

Actually don’t put lies on your CV or Resume. The reason somebody lies is to make them look better to the employer and they might hire them.

Sometimes if they hired you, they may be asked a skill that you put into your CV or resume after a month or year. Employers remember the skills that you put on your CV. But you don’t know that. Then it will be a reason to ignore you. When on the interview or after you are hired, sometimes they may ask the previous company that you worked for. It is not possible to answer that question since you have not worked with that company and you lied.

It is recommended to put actual things in your life.


3.       Leaving Gaps

It is possible to have gaps on your CV or Resume. But the reasons must be trustable. It might be your personal matter or you want to get some interval, your family matter, suffering from illness or you worked for another industry instead of your one. Those reasons will be acceptable. 

When you write your CV or Resume, Don’t put your reason for the gap in there. Put your experiences only.

Company A (2014 Jan – 2015 July)

Company B (2015 July – 2016 August)

Company C (2016 September – 2017 September)

Company D (2018 May – 2019 September)

Here you can see a month gap between Company B and Company C. The Gap is OK and acceptable. It might take a month or two months or sometimes even three months to find a new job. But it moves company C to Company D, there is a huge Gap between 08 months. There is an issue with that one. You need to provide valid reasons, if the employer asks you about the Gap. 


4.       Use inappropriate e-mail addresses

This is another point you have to keep in your mind. You should have your own professional email address. It might be a Gmail, Ymail, or whatever you want. The e-mail is professional if you can add your full name to the e-mail address before @ sign. But sometimes it might be taken by another person. So don’t worry. Either you can put your initials before the name ( or you can separate your full name with a full stop ( 

I recommend that you don’t put numbers or any unrelated words within the e-mail.  ( or (     


04 Tips: Do this when you making your CV or Resume

5.       Photo (Optional)

You have to use a professional photograph instead of having a photograph captured from a party. Most probably the size of the photograph is the same as the passport photo size. The photograph must be placed in the top left corner or top right corner of the first page of your CV.  

6.       Skills

Put your skills on a list. So the employer can clearly read it. If you are talented in some skill, you have to put it first on the list.

After you put your skills, then put your level, basic/intermediate/expert. Separate your skills and levels from the dash (-) symbol.  

7.       Phone Number

Always try to add a working telephone number and make sure to keep your phone with you. If you will not be able to answer the first call from the employer, it has a high probability to ignore you. They will not give a second chance to you.

The most important thing is, once they call you, if you can’t answer it, then try to call back them at least within an hour.    

8.       Template

If you mind using a CV template other than your own structure, no issues. There are hundreds of free and premium templates available on the internet. The most important thing is that you have to prepare it very clearly and attractively. However, it should be no more than two pages.  


02 Tips: When you are sending your CV


9.       From Email

Once you send your CV, you should include your Subject and small description in the body section as well. Then attach your CV to the e-mail. Make sure to rename your CV file with a proper name instead of having unrelated names.     

Proper names

·         Yourname_CV_Document.pdf

·         CV_yourname.pdf

·         Yourname_CV.pdf

Do not use these types of names

·         yourname.cvnew01.pdf


·         2sjucbhrui3sj.pdf


The most important thing is, don’t forward those e-mails to the companies. Sometimes it displays that you were forwarding this e-mail several times.  

10.   From LinkedIn

When you are sending your CV from LinkedIn, make sure to add

·         Subject (headline) – You should mention that you are applying for the vacancy.

·         Description - About what you are doing now and add some valuable skills that you have.

·         Attachment – Attach your CV document.

Do this, after sending your CV

You should always keep in touch with direct telephone calls, SMS, and emails.

------------------------------------------------ The End -----------------------------------------------------------

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